Head Coach Nancy Black NCCP ([email protected])
Nancy brings over 25 years of experience in the community as a coach, athlete, volunteer, founder and executive.Nancy is the former Executive Director of Masters Swimming Canada (MSC). In that role she oversaw the operations of one of the largest adult fitness organizations in the country; designed to promote swimming to adults. Prior to that role, in 2010, Nancy received the “Coach of the Year” from MSC.Nancy founded the Aurora Master Ducks Swim Club, which became the 4th largest adult swim club in Canada.  Under Nancy’s guidance, the “Master Ducks” won the Canadian Masters National Championships in 2005 and placed 2nd 4 years running thereafter.Nancy, with other members of the Master Ducks, also founded the Aurora chapter of Special Olympics Ontario, now serving over 100 individuals with an intellectual disability.In 2021 Nancy and Mark Beaton co-founded Collingwood Masters Swimming,  which quickly evolved into one of the fastest growing adult swim clubs in the area, and is now proudly called the Georgian Bay Squall.
Coach Janice Macdonald NCCP ([email protected])
Janice brings over 25 years of competitive swimming and triathlon experience to the Georgian Bay Squall, having completed numerous triathlon events including 5 Ironman races, 30+ Half-Ironman races, many marathons and half-marathons. Janice is a certified NCCP (Swimming) Coach, National Lifeguard, Personal Trainer (Can Fit Pro), and Nutrition and Wellness Specialist (Can Fit Pro). She is also certified as a MOSAA Instructor (Group Active, Power and Core), TRX Instructor, Indoor Rowing Instructor (U Can Row 2), Cycling Instructor (Y Canada), Water Aerobic Instructor (Y Canada), Community Triathlon Coach and Y Canada Trainer. Janice creatively applies her many fitness and wellness modalities to her coaching and assisted in the development and running of the London Triathlon Club,  London Y Triathlon club and London Cycling Club Ride Leader Program. In Collingwood, she and has been a ride leader with the Collingwood Cycling Club.  Also an avid volleyball player, Janice was thrilled and honoured to play with the Canadian Masters Womens Volleyball Team at the World Championships in Brazil 2016. Janice's newest venture is into the world of Dragon Boat racing with the Collingwood Paddling Club, enjoying learning new techniques (its' challenging!) and racing HARD! And finally, Janice is so happy to be one of the managing partners operating the Georgian Bay Squall.  An amazing organization bringing a great swimming and social experience to Georgian Bay area.
Coach Phil Sherman NCCP 
Phil Sherman is lawyer who would much rather be at the pool or in the Bay than in court. Phil escaped to Collingwood in April 2022 & has been swimming & coaching with the Squall ever since. He has been involved with masters swimming for over 20 years & has competed in many memorable meets including Canadian & World Masters Championships.
Coach Sharon MacFarlane
My first exposure to water when I was 2 years old was the beginning of my swimming passion.  I joined the Novice Swim Team at age 5 at the London Centre YMCA and continued swimming competitively until age 14.  At this time, I switched gears and developed a love of teaching swimming, first aid and CPR and worked towards earning the highest-level award in the Royal Lifesaving Society, Diploma, at age 19.  Continuing my career in swimming at the Collingwood Y led me to initiating the Collingwood Clippers Swim Team and later an Adult Masters team.  My love of swimming continued as I cheered on my daughters who both swam for the Clippers Team and I remained an active part of this team by coaching, and later becoming the President. After a long break from swimming personally, I put on my bathing suit again and joined the Squall Swim team as both a swimmer and part time coach! I have been so fortunate to have had two amazing careers as an Elementary School Teacher and Swim Instructor/Coach!
Coach Nicole Moran
Nicole Moran grew up swimming competitively on the west coast with Delta Sungod Swim club. She started competing around age 7 and continued into her university years at the University of Waterloo. She started coaching in high school and continued coaching Age Group and Masters teams over the past few years. Nicole especially enjoys helping people find the love of competitive and lane swimming, getting in a good workout and build confidence while having fun! She is also a scuba master and dive instructor having worked in the Cayman Islands from 2017-2018. Nicole firmly believes that swimming is a skill that is important for life long health and wellbeing.


Coach Erich Rohmann

I started competitive swimming when I was six and was generally considered a mediocre swimmer. I started to tire of swimming in my teenage years and ended playing waterpolo for a year and loving it, but when I went to University of Waterloo they had no waterpolo team so back to swimming it was. I have never qualified at a national level or done anything amazing with swimming; I just put my time in and work hard. Then I got bored and stopped after university. Swimming with the Squall for the last three years has made me enjoy swimming more than I ever have and I would like to help others feel the same. I enjoy helping improve a person's technique because I find that feeling when you 'get' the stroke and all of a sudden everything is faster but feels easier is amazing and everyone should feel that. I'm looking forward to helping coach and keep the Squall fast in the water. 


Coach Dorothy Koscuich NCCP

After retiring from a 22 year policing career I was ready to explore other avenues.  In 2004 I returned to university to study both Kinesiology and Community Health Sciences.  While at Brock I joined the Masters Swim Club and swam with them for the next three years.In 2007 we chose Collingwood to live and enjoy the many recreational opportunities that this town has to offer.  Unfortunately, at that time, swimming with a Masters Club was not available.  I would travel to Toronto for swim clinics and devoted my time to training and competing in Triathlons.  Soon after I turned 60, arthritis sounded the need to reevaluate my fitness choices.  My love for swimming never weaned and I returned to the pool where one day my butterfly stroke finally came together.  What a rush!!My love for the natural feel of moving through the water was strong.  In 2013 I achieved my NCCP certificate as a Fundamentals Coach-Swimming from the Canadian Swimming Coaches Teachers Association.  Subsequently I worked with the Collingwood Clippers Swim Club teaching young people the technical aspects of competitive swimming.  It is there that I learned the distinct advantage of play in the process of learning at any age.Today, after many years competing from local to international championships, my focus remains to stay healthy and active.  I enjoy using my education and experience to guide others in a social and skill-focused environment for swimming.  For some it will transcend into competitive swimming.  For others, like myself, we will enjoy the moment and see where it takes us.